Thursday, December 27, 2012

Ten Fave Films of 2012 (10-9)

Sheesh, where did 2012 go? Seems like it was just yesterday that I wrote the proposal post! Well, it's that time of the year again where I present to you my list of favorite films of the year! Before I get to the  "official" list, here are some honorable mentions.

The Secret World of Arrietty: Really difficult to leave this one off the list. The animation, soundtrack and the trademark Miyazaki inspired environment create a world full of whimsy.

Moonrise Kingdom: One of my favorite Anderson films, this eccentric tale of young, discovering love was a joy to watch.

The Cabin in the Woods: More than a slasher, freak-out horror flick, Whedon and Goddard's film is funny and entertains from beginning to end.

Lincoln: Daniel Day-Lewis gives another epic performance as the 16th president of the United States of America.

Brave: I'll always have a soft spot for Pixar and the technical animation here is ridiculous.

Paperman and La Luna were two of the best short films I've ever seen.

Also should mention that I did not get to see Zero Dark Thirty, Silver Linings Playbook, Django Unchained, and Life of Pi at the time of writing this.

Now, on to the list!

10. Jiro Dreams of Sushi

Jiro is a documentary of the world renowned sushi chef and his calling to create art in his medium, sushi. It is an inspiring story of a man compelled to follow his dream. His passion is passed down to his sons and I couldn't help but to be influenced by his conviction as well. And I don't even like sushi! It is much more than a film about making sushi. If you have 80 minutes to spare and looking for something compelling to watch, I'd recommend to dream with Jiro.

9. Bernie

In this stranger than fiction tale, Jack Black gives a magnetic performance as Bernie Tiede, an eccentric and beloved member of the community of Carthage, Texas. In fact, he was so loved that even though he confessed to the murder of an 81 year old millionaire, Marjorie Nugent (Shirley MacLaine), the District Attorney (Matthew McConaughey) had to get the trial moved outside of the city to get an unbiased jury. Director Linklater weaves interviews of the real life people of Carthage with outstanding performances by the lead actors, a technique that showcases the small town charm of the people. (Love the accents!) One of Jack Black's greatest performances, his charisma shines through, not to mention the delight of hearing him sing gospel! Looking for something a little off the wall? Give Bernie a chance!

Check back tomorrow for films 8 and 7!

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